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Early Learning, Childcare and Out of School Care Consultation

The primary purpose of the engagement, which took place in January and February 2022 was to gather feedback on our delivery of funded Early Learning and Childcare, wider childcare, and Out of School Care. We also wanted to identify if there were any barriers to families accessing provision.

By prioritising their reuse and protecting our existing natural capital and environment, we can ensure that future investment goes into areas where it is needed the most, supporting shared ambitions for place, housing, community regeneration, town centres, and the principle of 20-minute neighbourhoods.

Why we consulted

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 places a duty on local authorities to consult and plan on delivery of Early Learning and Childcare. An education authority must, at least once every 2 years consult representative of parents of children under school age in its area about how it should make Early Learning and Childcare available.

What the results were

What we'll do with the results

Officers will use the feedback from the engagement process to:

  • Work with Scottish Childminding Association to identify areas where additional childminders may need to be recruited
  • Assist with planning future Out of Schol Care in line with Scottish Government roll out

The Consultation summary will be published on social media and the Consultation and Engagement webpage.

Further information

Contact Sandra Fisher for further information:

Page last updated: 24/06/2022
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