Home Education

If a child or young person is enrolled at a Public School , parents/guardians are within their rights to make a request to remove their child from the school roll in order to home educate rather than have them taught at one of the local authority schools.

Who is entitled to home educate?

Any parent/guardian can choose to do this as long as they provide an efficient education that is suitable for the age, ability and aptitude of the child.

Parents/guardians have a responsibility to inform the education authority that they wish to withdraw their child from school in order to home educate and to request the authority's consent.

What kind of education do parents need to provide?

Parents/guardians who choose to home educate would be expected to demonstrate that they are providing an education that is suitable for the child, with appropriate variety, resources and opportunities for an appropriate level of physical activity and opportunities to interact with other children and adults.

It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to provide suitable learning experiences and to meet any costs associated with this.


Parents/guardians home educating can make arrangements for their children to sit formal exams.

There is no legal requirement for young people to sit a particular set of examinations. The internal assessment component of many qualifications can restrict the certification of external candidates.

Parents/guardians are responsible for any costs associated with this.

Further information

For further information please contact Belinda Thomson belinda.thomson@dumgal.gov.uk or SupportingLearners@dumgal.gov.uk



Page last updated: 15/04/2021
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