
Dumfries and Galloway Council is run by 43 councillors who are elected every five years by the residents they represent. The council area is made up of 12 wards with either three or four Councillors in each ward.

Our current councillors were elected at the last Local Government elections for a term of five years (until May 2027).

Your councillors

You can talk to your local councillors by contacting them directly or by dropping in to one of their public consultation sessions which are known as surgeries.

Find out who your local councillors are
(Councillors for your ward are listed in the 'Council and Democracy' section)

Committee meetings

Elected members are part of council committees which meet regularly and you're welcome to attend most meetings. We publish a committee diary and meeting papers online online so you can see what will be discussed or what decisions were made.

View upcoming meeting agendas and reports

Further information

Page last updated: 04/03/2025
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