School meals

Schools in our region offer a lunchtime meals menu on a three week rotation.

Free school meals

All Primary 1 to Primary 5 children are entitled to free school meals.

Pupils from Primary 6 upwards may also be eligible for free school meals.

Check if your child is eligible for free school meals

Pay/Pre-order for your child's school meals here.

Primary school meals

Meals in primary schools currently cost £2.00

All primary schools have introduced an advanced pre-order system for lunch. Contact the school office to find out when and how you order and pay for meals.

Secondary school meals

Dumfries and Galloway Council has made changes in accordance with the new Scottish Government legislation in relation to school meals. These changes took place on 8 April 2021 that saw variations to several food groups throughout the school day. In preparation of the legislative changes to school food, Dumfries and Galloway Council has developed their Globetrotter Menu.

Meals in secondary schools currently cost £2.10.

Pupils can pay by cash, Young Scot cards are available from schools which can be used for cashless payments. You can top up the cards in two ways:

Special event menus

During the year we have special event menus within schools i.e. Burns Night, St. Andrews Night and Christmas.  Please see below for examples of these menus.

Natasha's Law

In October 2021, the UK Food Information Amendment, also known as Natasha's Law, will come into effect and will require food businesses to provide full ingredient lists and allergen labelling on foods pre-packaged for direct sale on the premises.

Find out more about Natasha's Law and School meals >>

Special dietary requirements

We try to provide meals to meet any special dietary requirements.

If your child has a food allergy or intolerance; medically prescribed diet; or diet for religious or cultural reasons, contact the school office in the first instance so that any necessary arrangements can be put in place.

You will need to provide a letter from your dietician or doctor if your child has special dietary requirement for medical reasons.

Mid-morning Milk

Some primary schools offer milk at morning breaks; it costs 21p for 200ml of semi-skimmed milk.  Milk can be ordered through the school and paid for with cash or cheque when ordering or purchased from catering staff.

Contact Us


Page last updated: 15/08/2024
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