Consultation on the Draft Wind Energy Landscape Sensitivity Study Supplementary Guidance

The landscape of Dumfries & Galloway is notably diverse with rich multi-layered landscapes and high quality scenery being a key feature. Dumfries & Galloway is also an area that has seen change due to the development of onshore wind energy development with significant ongoing interest.

With addressing the challenge of climate change and transitioning to a net zero society being a national priority, there is increasing policy support for renewable electricity sources. Onshore wind energy can have a significant impact on the landscape and it is important for the Council to have up-to-date guidance to assess proposals coming forward.

On Friday 8 November 2024, Dumfries and Galloway will begin a consultation on the Draft Wind Energy Landscape Sensitivity Study Supplementary Guidance to the Local Development Plan:

If this supplementary guidance is adopted it will replace the existing Wind Farm Landscape Capacity Study, which was last updated in 2017.

Why we are consulting

The existing Wind Farm Landscape Capacity Study was last updated in 2017. Since then there have been a number of changes in circumstances:

  • Dumfries & Galloway has seen an increase in applications for turbines at or exceeding 150m in height
  • In some areas there have been changes in the landscape resulting from wind farm development
  • NatureScot has produced updated guidance on preparing landscape studies
  • National Planning Framework 4 has updated the policies used to consider renewable energy proposals

Have your say

The consultation will last until Friday 20 December 2024. Comments are invited from anyone with an interest in these matters and may be submitted by email to or, by post to Development Planning, Dumfries and Galloway Council, c/o Council HQ, English Street, Dumfries, DG1 2DD.

What we will do with the results

The comments received will be considered carefully.  Amendments based on the comments will be proposed to a future Economy and Infrastructure Committee of the Council for their consideration and to seek approval for the proposed amendments.  Formal adoption of the document as supplementary guidance to Policy IN2 of Local Development Plan 2 will follow, if agreed.

Page last updated: 08/11/2024
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