Dockhead Junction Improvements Engagement
Dumfries and Galloway Council (the council) is seeking to introduce significant active travel improvements to the Dockhead / St Michael's Bridge Road Junction as part of the Dumfries South Development Framework (DSDF).
The project seeks to enhance the junction to balance the needs of all users and improve safety, particularly for pedestrians, cyclists, and wheelers (wheelchairs, prams etc.). The junction consists of the intersection between St Michaels Bridge Road (north and south), Dockhead, and the vehicular access to Dock Park car park - with National Cycle Network Route 7 (NCNR 7) passing though Dock Park and along the Whitesands.
The vision for Dockhead Junction is to improve road safety and make it as easy as possible for people to move about the town without the need for motorised transport. This will contribute to an improvement in health and wellbeing and a reduction in car use and carbon emissions in line with our Councils Active Travel Strategy (ATS2). Our ambition is to be a successful region with a growing economy, based on fairness, opportunity and quality public services, where all citizens prosper. To develop this project, the council will seek funding from the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland's Places for Everyone (PfE) Programme.
Have Your Say
This stage of engagement on the Dockhead/St Michaels Bridge Road Improvement study will inform the preparation of layout designs / options and we would welcome your feedback to help us identify challenges faced by all users of the junction and highlight opportunities for improvements. A community engagement event will be held on Tuesday 5 March between 3-7pm at 109 High Street, Dumfries. All are welcome.
A survey is available online that closes on 24 March and can be accessed below:
The information provided at this stage will be collated and will help further develop the concept designs, reflecting the needs and aspirations of the local community. Following on from this, there will then be other opportunities to comment on the concept designs.