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Consultation on the 2023-2026 Children's Services Plan

A new Dumfries and Galloway Children's Services Plan is being developed for 2023-26, and your input is vital to developing this. We want to invite you to participate in our online survey, which will ensure your views are considered in setting the future priorities and actions to be progressed through children's services planning in our region.

Why we are consulting

The Children and Young People Scotland Act (2014) Part 3 (Children's services planning) places a statutory duty on each local authority and the relevant health board to jointly prepare a Children's Services Plan for the area of the local authority, every three years.  To achieve this in our region Dumfries and Galloway Council and NHS Dumfries and Galloway are required to work with other community planning partners and stakeholders.

Our plan must set out how local partners will work together to improve outcomes for children and young people through jointly agreed priorities, outcomes and actions.  It is not about the work of individual services but focuses on the areas where we need to work together.

A new three-year plan must be in place by 1 April 2023 and we want to hear your views.

What is happening during the consultation process

From September 2022 to November 2022 we are consulting with community planning partners, and other key stakeholders including third sector organisations, representative groups, the Youth Council, and children, young people and families, and staff, through workshops, targeted one-to-one engagement and surveys.

How to participate

You can have your say by completing a short survey:

ยท      Take part in the 2023-26 Children's Services Plan Consultation

The survey will be open until 3 November 2022.

Any feedback you send us will be handled in line with our Privacy Statement

What happens next

The results will be used to support the development of the 2023-26 Children's Services Plan, including the priorities, outcomes and actions that are to be included in the plan.

Contact us

Please contact us if you require any further information

Page last updated: 21/10/2022
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