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Consultation - New Regional Parking Strategy for Dumfries and Galloway

Dumfries and Galloway Council would like your views on parking in the region. This will inform a new Regional Parking Strategy that will set out the vision for parking across the region and will address current issues the Council is facing with regards to parking control, management and enforcement.

Why are we consulting?

Transport and parking are vital public services contributing towards the local economy, communities, environment and quality of life. We wish to develop a comprehensive, innovative and inclusive Parking Strategy with a clear and realistic action plan to make the most of opportunities for employment, business, leisure and tourism, while aligning with the Council's key priorities.

The Parking Strategy will consider options for Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) and the potential introduction of parking charges, with reporting to Communities Committee in early 2024 for agreement on the way forward.

Therefore we are encouraging public participation and would welcome your attendance and feedback at a programme of Community Conversations which will display themes such as supply/ demand, parking facilities, enforcement, signage, Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 and parking charges.

At this stage in the development process, no decisions have been made about parking in the region. It is important you share your views with us so we can gather the broadest range of views to consider through the development of the strategy that will shape parking control, management and enforcement in the years to come.

The consultation period ran from w/c 19 September 2023 and ended on 15 November 2023.

What is the consultation process?

The consultation process comprised:

1. Community Conversations (September to November 2023)

  • Our Council Officers and Ward Working teams held a series of community conversation events across the region to consult on a new Regional Parking Strategy for Dumfries and Galloway.
  • Community conversations are an opportunity for residents, business and stakeholders to engage directly with the council, and to help shape the new strategy.
  • The events werre accessible to people in each of the council's twelve wards, as well as an online event.  Staff attended the events to provide information, listen to your views, and to support you in completing the consultation survey.

2.  Wider consultations using Online survey (September to November 2023)

  • We consulted with members of the public and stakeholders through the online survey - now closed.


Communities Committee

At Communities Committee on the 5 December 2023, Members agreed unanimously to remove the references to draft Car Parking Charges Options report and income generation options (Parking Charges) and expanded to reference maintaining the status quo regarding car parking charges. 

Members agreed to receive a report to the 6 February 2024 Communities Committee to consider the draft Parking Strategy and the draft Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Options report and that the status quo be maintained in that there would be no car parking charges on a Council road or car park. Full minutes of the meeting will be published on the Council website.

It is hoped that this decision shows the consultation process undertaken by the Council for the Regional Parking Strategy, was fair, inclusive, principled and aligned with current standards and guidance.


Attendees of Community Conversations that registered for feedback can request these via email: networkstrategyteam@dumgal.gov.uk


What happens next?

  1. A Report will be prepared for Communities Committee in February 2024 to present outcomes from the consultation process and a draft version of the Regional Parking Strategy and associated reports, with options and recommendations for the next steps.
  2. Following Committee review/ agreement of the draft Strategy and associated reports and a final internal Council review, final versions of the Strategy and associated reports will be produced for Committee approval/ adoption.

Background information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Contact us

If you need any help or further information, please contact one of the team at networkstrategyteam@dumgal.gov.uk

Page last updated: 22/12/2023
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