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Dog control services

Under the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 there is a requirement to keep all dogs under control.

Control of dogs

A dog is out of control if it is not being kept under control effectively and consistently (by whatever means) and the dog's behaviour gives rise to alarm or apprehensiveness on the part of any individual which in all the circumstances is reasonable. This does not mean dogs must be kept on leads in public places. However, if you cannot keep control of your dog when it is off the lead, then please walk your dog on a lead to avoid any complaints about your dog's behaviour. The purpose of this legislation is to prevent any more serious incidents.

All complaints regarding out-of-control dogs are investigated by the Council's Animal Health and Welfare Officers who may issue a Dog Control Notice on the owner. This requires the owner to take certain steps to keep their dog under control and it is a criminal offence to fail to comply with a Notice.

A Dog Control Notice may include any or all of the following conditions:

  • Muzzling.
  • Keeping the dog on lead.
  • Neutering.
  • Attending dog training classes.
  • Specified walking routes / walking times.
  • Avoiding certain areas.
  • Any other steps the Animal Health and Welfare Officer may deem as necessary.

Failure to comply with a Dog Control Notice is a criminal offence.

Kennelling charges

Please be aware that kennelling charges can become a significant sum dependent on the duration of the dogs stay and possible veterinary costs.

Details of Charge


Statutory Fee


Daily Boarding Fee


Transportation Costs


Vets Fees and Microchipping

Fully Recoverable

Identification requirements for dogs

It is still a legal requirement for dogs to wear a collar with an identification tag, which gives the name and address of its owner. It is helpful if the tag includes a phone number.

From April 2016 it became compulsory for every dog to also have a microchip implanted which has the owner's details. The Animal Health and Welfare Officer will scan any strays to reveal its owners' details and then return the dog to the owner quickly and safely once any required fee has been paid.  Any dogs that are not microchipped will be microchipped before being returned to the owner. If you transfer your dog to another owner, it is your legal duty to contact the chip registration company to change the ownership details. The new owner must ensure this has been done, the dog's ownership cannot be transferred until the chip details are changed.

During regular patrols the Animal Health and Welfare Officer may check dogs have ID tags and are microchipped, any that are not can be seized and taken to have a chip implanted.

How to make a complaint about a dog

Contact us online or via telephone on 030 33 33 3000 to make a complaint about any dog behaviours which have caused concern. If a dog has bitten a person, then please also report the matter to Police Scotland for investigation under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

Further information

Please contact Trading Standards on 030 33 33 3000 or email:

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Page last updated: 30/10/2023
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