Education Authority

In the Education and Learning Directorate we support all schools by providing information on the services that are offered by Dumfries and Galloway Council to make our school settings the best they can be.

For parents, this also includes information about policies and procedures, grants and support and information on how all children are supported to reach their full potential through meeting their individual needs and aspirations.

Education Headquarters

Education and Learning Directorate
Militia House
English Street

Authority Handbook

The authority handbook is updated on an annual basis in December.

Schools also produce their own handbook that reflect their own local community, staff and the vision values and aims of the school. These are also updated on an annual basis.

Handbooks are available for parents from the school or can be viewed on the school webpage (if established).

Further Information

For more information please see our Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) page.


Page last updated: 25/09/2023
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