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English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Do you want to Learn English? Do you work with or know someone who would like to learn English?

We provide community-based learning opportunities online and in person classes to support learning English.  If you would like more information, please complete the online referral form and we will be in touch.

You will be invited to an ESOL Assessment where we will confirm your level of English.  During this assessment we will test your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in English. This helps us confirm your level of English and the appropriate class for you.  Beginner level learners will be invited to classes with Lifelong Learning, level 2 and above will be invited to attend learning with Dumfries and Galloway College.

Due to the increasing demand, it may take several weeks to receive an invite to attend an ESOL Assessment. If you have any questions, please email esoltutors@dumgal.gov.uk.

We have lots of learning opportunities and resources, click below to access online learning resources

For anyone requiring advice about DGC Ukrainian response please email Resettlementproject@dumgal.gov.uk

ENIC - Recognition of international qualifications

Lifelong Learning working in partnership with The Bridges Programmes are Supporting Learners to gain a Statement of Comparability from UK ENIC (European Network of Information Centres).  Statement of Comparability (enic.org.uk) UK ENIC) is the leading information service provider offering impartial, trusted judgement on international qualifications.  This service is for you if you need to evidence the level of your overseas qualification for employment, study, professional registration, or another reason.

UK ENIC services was developed to ensure that the skills, competencies, and qualifications of those coming to the UK to work, study, practice or settle are recognised at the appropriate level. UK ENIC also supports every university in the UK, all colleges that admit international students, employers, professional bodies, UK Government departments, and immigration advisers understand more about educational, vocational, and professional systems outside the UK.

UK ENIC is the designated United Kingdom national agency for the recognition and comparison of international qualifications and skills. They perform this official function on behalf of the UK Government.

Lifelong Learning can support you through the ENIC process. You will require a copy of your Secondary Certificate & University Certificate.  As part of the service your documents will be translated. 

Please contact ESOLTutors@dumgal.gov.uk to find out more.

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Page last updated: 05/10/2023
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