Apply for planning permission

Dumfries & Galloway Council now only accepts planning and related applications which have been submitted electronically via the Scottish Government's ePlanning website. Please see details of how to do this below.

Always check if you need to apply for planning permission before starting any work.

Planning permission normally lasts for 3 years but we are able to vary this period where appropriate (for example, a large phased development).  If you don't start work within that time then the permission will expire.

You must comply with any conditions attached to the permission and some conditions may need further details to be submitted before the work starts. There is no timescale for the completion of the works once permission is secure.


Apply for planning permission online using the Scottish Government's ePlanning website. Applications for our region are sent to us automatically and processed as normal.

Submit an online planning application

The Council uses the Heads of Planning Scotland (HOPS) national guidance note for registering applications. Follow the guidance carefully to ensure your application is made valid quickly:

Please use validation checklist below to ensure you have included all the necessary information with your application

Specific information is required when seeking permission for works to windows and doors in Conservation Areas or Listed Buildings. A technical note has been produced showing the necessary information required.

Prior to submitting a planning application, you can review the polices and guidance which an application will be assessed against.

National Planning Policy

In February 2023, the Scottish Government adopted the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) which sets out the national planning policies for Scotland.

Local Planning Policy

Planning applications we receive are assessed against land allocations and policies within the Local Development Plan 2 which sets out a vision for how Dumfries and Galloway will look in 20 years time and describes where development will take place and where it will not.

Local Planning Guidance

Dumfries and Galloway Council has produced local supplementary guidance and technical papers which provide background information and evidence to support planning policies.


Use the Scottish Government's fee calculator to work out the estimated cost of your application:

Calculate planning fees

We'll check the fee when you send in an application but you may want to confirm the fee with us beforehand.

The Town and Country Planning Fees for Applications (Scotland) Regulation 2022 sets out the Planning fees for applications:

There may be a requirement for us to advertise applications if we cannot notify neighbours as there are no premises. If this is the case, you will be advised that an additional £30 advert fee is required to be paid before the application can be determined.

Site Location Plans

We no longer produce Location Plans or Site Location Plans to accompany a planning application. A list of approved Scottish Government providers can be found on be found on the eDevelopment Portal website.


Decisions on most types of planning application should normally be made within two months of receiving a valid application. You can track the progress of applications online.

Page last updated: 22/05/2024
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