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Gaelic Language Plan 2022-2027

The Dumfries and Galloway Council Gaelic Language Plan has been prepared under Section 3 of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 and was approved by Bòrd na Gàidhlig on 19 August 2022 and is available here:

Prior to agreement by the Bòrd, the draft Gaelic Language Plan was approved at the Dumfries & Galloway Council Committee meeting on the 16 December 2021.

Agenda for Dumfries and Galloway Council on Thursday, 16th December, 2021, 10.30 am (moderngov.co.uk)

Key Commitments

As an authority we fully support the aims of the National Gaelic Language Plan by focusing our efforts on:

  • Increasing the use of Gaelic
  • Increasing the learning of Gaelic
  • Promoting a positive image of Gaelic

Dumfries & Galloway Council also welcomes communication from the public in Gaelic.

Tha Comhairle Dhùn Phris is Gall-ghàidhealaibh a' cur fàilte air conaltradh anns a' Gàidhlig

Plana na Gàidhlig 2022-2027

Chaidh Plana na Gàidhlig Comhairle Dhùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh ullachadh fo Earrainn 3 de dh'Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005 agus chuir Bòrd na Gàidhlig aonta ris air 19mh an Lùnastal 2022 agus tha e ri làimh an seo:

Mus deach aonta leis a' Bhòrd, chaidh dreach a' Phlana aontachadh aig coinneamh Comataidh Comhairle Dhùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh air 16mh an Dùbhlachd 2021.

Clàr-gnothaich airson Comhairle Dhùn Phrìs is Gall-Ghàidhealaibh air Diardaoin, 16mh an Dùbhlachd, 2021, 10.30m (moderngov.co.uk)

Prìomh Gheallaidhean

Mar ùghdarras tha sinn a' toirt làn thaic do dh' amasan Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Ghàidhlig is sinn a' cur fòcas air:

  • Meudachadh air cleachdadh na Gàidhlig
  • Meudachadh air ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig
  • A' brosnachadh deagh ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig

Gaelic Phrases, words and place names

You can view Gaelic translations here:


  • Gaelic Dumgal offers a wide range of learning opportunities across our region.
  • Bord na Gaidhlig - Find out more information about Gaelic Medium Education and Gaelic Learning as per the Education (Scotland) Act 2016.
Page last updated: 20/12/2022
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