Dumfries and Galloway Council Youth Participation and Engagement Policy 2022-2027

The refreshed Youth Participation and Engagement Policy is for young people, professionals and decision makers to use.

It sets out clearly what progress we have made, our ambitions for the future, the ways in which young people can get involved and guidance for any person looking to engage with young people in Dumfries and Galloway.

This policy has been co-produced with young people, with support and contributions provided by a range of Dumfries and Galloway Council services across all Directorates.

Dumfries and Galloway Councils commitment is clear:

  • We will ensure young people have the skills, the ability and confidence to speak out
  • We will talk with, listen to and value our young people
  • We will make sure that young people have opportunities and are given choices to actively and meaningfully get involved in the decisions that affect their lives
  • Act on the views of young people by reviewing and changing council services as required.


Page last updated: 08/01/2025
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