Route map for Carbon Neutral in Dumfries and Galloway 2021-2026

On 27 June 2019 Dumfries and Galloway Council declared a Climate Emergency and set out the ambitions as follows: "Dumfries and Galloway Council hereby declares a Climate Emergency and recognises the impact this will have on our quality of life. We recognise our responsibility to tackle climate change and fully commit to taking effective action to limit the impact on our region and its people.

We recognise the challenges ahead to tackle climate change and, whilst we have already made significant strides towards achievement of a regional net zero carbon status, we will seek to achieve this outcome by the year 2025 and, wherever possible embrace opportunities to accelerate our target date".

Full Council report on March 2024 Councillors agreed the recommendations in a report discussed at Full Council today that Dumfries and Galloway Council becomes a carbon neutral organisation by 2033.

And it was agreed that Dumfries and Galloway Council will support the region to achieve net zero status on or before 2040, with a move to become a carbon negative region by 2045

The Carbon Neutral Strategic Plan provides a route map to give direction and identifies key priorities and points of action for the Council. Partnership working is at the heart of this Strategic Plan. Our communities have a major part to play, and we are committed to providing support, encouragement and expert advice where we can.

Route map 

Performance report 

Page last updated: 03/12/2024
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