Update on council services affected by Storm Eowyn -
Last updated 9.50am, Monday 27 January.

Dumfries and Galloway Integration Joint Board: Health and Social Care Strategic Commissioning Plan 2022 -2025

The Integration Joint Board (IJB) Strategic Commission Plan (SCP) is a document which is required by legislation and is reviewed or renewed every three years. It is for all adults (and Young Carers) in Dumfries and Galloway that use or deliver health, care and or/support.

The Plan identifies IJB strategic commissioning intentions and tactical priorities and how these will be delivered. It also highlights any risks and challenges that may impact on progress.

The SCP sets out the vision of 'People living happier, healthier lives in Dumfries and Galloway.

The SCP sets out 7 Strategic Commissioning Intentions (SCI), these are statements that set out the IJB ambitions for improving health and social care outcomes over the lifetime of the SCP. The ambition of the IJB is to ensure that:

  • SCI1 People are supported to live independently at home and avoid crisis
  • SCI2 Fewer people experience health and social care inequalities
  • SCI3 People and Communities are enabled to self manage and supported to be more resilient
  • SCI4 People have access to the care and support they need
  • SCI5 People's care and support is safe, effective and sustainable
  • SCI6 People who deliver care and support, including Carers and volunteers, feel valued, are supported to maintain their wellbeing and enabled to achieve their potential
  • SCI7 People's chosen outcomes are improved through available financial resources being allocated in line with the Model of Care and delivering best value

For more information on the Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership and the Strategic Plan, please visit their website.


Performance report 

Page last updated: 25/11/2024
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