Duke of Edinburgh Strategy 2021-2026

The Duke of Edinburgh's(DofE) Award is a national youth charity that supports over 300,000 people aged 14-24 every year to undertake their Bronze, Silver or Gold DofE Award. The ethos of the Award programme is to enable every young person irrespective of background to take part in a DofE programme and to accomplish, regardless of any barriers that may be present in their lives

Our vision for Duke of Edinburgh in Dumfries and Galloway is that 'We will help any young person in our region to build their skills, challenge themselves to achieve their goals and believe in their own abilities. Young people and adults are partners in the process, and we will support individuals and communities to allow all young people to unlock their potential.'

Our Values:

  • challenge
  • openness
  • quality orientated
  • community

Objective and priority areas of work:

  • Access: We will increase the number and diversity of young people accessing a DofE programme, make sure it is available in a setting where young people want to do it, and address issues that prevent young people undertaking their DofE programme
  • Communication: We will promote the value, relevance, and positive impacts the DofE has for young people, leaders, volunteers and the wider communities in Dumfries and Galloway
  • Quality: We will support delivery of high quality, challenging and personalised development opportunities and DofE programmes for all our young people and leaders
  • Value: We will support meaningful reflection and evaluation for young people through their participation and achievement. We will celebrate our young people and our network

A performance report for this strategy will be presented at the Education, Learning and Community Wellbeing Committee in April 2025.


Page last updated: 08/01/2025
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