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SWestrans and Dumfries and Galloway Council funding for active travel behaviour change projects 2024-25

A major change programme for Active Travel delivery across Scotland will commence from 2024-25 with funding for behaviour change programmes being provided directly to the Regional Transport Partnerships and Councils.

Transport Scotland has advised that it is intended SWestrans will receive funding to coordinate the delivery of a People and Place Programme, comprised of interventions identified as priorities with Dumfries and Galloway Council across the following key themes: Schools and Young People; Workplaces; Accessibility and Inclusion; Capacity and Capability Building.

Transport Scotland has also advised that it is considering the direct provision of behaviour change funding to Dumfries and Galloway Council through a LA Fund.

Available funding

Indicative funding of some £780k is available across both organisations (estimated at £500k revenue; £280k capital).  Any such funding received shall be administered by Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Subject to funding confirmation and affordability, SWestrans and Dumfries and Galloway Council are seeking to start interventions from 1 April 2024.  Therefore, we are inviting applications from delivery partners and local initiatives for 7 project/intervention strands across 3 behaviour change themes for 2024-25:

  • Active Travel Schools D&G - 3 strands - estimated £350k.
  • Active Travel Workplaces D&G - 2 strands- estimated £230k.
  • Active Travel Access and Inclusion D&G - 2 strands - estimated £200k.

Who can apply

Constituted Third Sector, community or voluntary groups, registered charities and social enterprises who meet our funding criteria can apply for project funding.

Projects should be completed by 31 March 2025.

How to apply

Download the application form, complete and return by the closing date.

Please email your completed application form and any supporting information to swestrans@dumgal.gov.uk by no later than 5pm on Monday 4 March 2024.

What happens next

In principle outcomes of the grant applications may be notified as soon as possible after the closing date, however final grant awards will only be made once funding from Transport Scotland has been confirmed to SWestrans/Dumfries and Galloway Council.

We might contact you for further information about your application as we're processing and assessing it. We'll be able to complete the process more quickly if you respond as soon as possible.

Further applications will be invited if any funds remain available.

Page last updated: 23/02/2024
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