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Challenge Poverty Week 2021 - Monday

Dumfries & Galloway Council are once again supporting Challenge Poverty Week 2021 which is the annual national Campaign Awareness Raising Week led by Poverty Alliance Scotland.

Monday Factsheet >> [PDF - 203KB]


Launch of Challenge Poverty Week 2021

Dumfries & Galloway Council are very happy to again be supporting Challenge Poverty Week 2021 - the annual Campaign Awareness Week delivered by The Poverty Alliance throughout Scotland.

Challenge Poverty Week is designed to highlight that poverty is a problem we can solve and to showcase solutions we can all get behind. 

This national Campaign Week is an opportunity for you to raise your voice against poverty and unite with others in calling for a more just and equal Scotland. 

Each year, hundreds of organisations in Scotland do just that, including Elected Members, charities and third sector organisations, local authorities, faith groups, businesses, school and colleges, trade unions, professional bodies and more. 

We very much hope that we can achieve together all of the following this Challenge Poverty Week:

  • To raise a unified voice against poverty and show that we all want to live in a more just and equal Scotland.
  • To build awareness and support for solutions to poverty.
  • To change the conversation around poverty and help end the stigma of living on a low income.
  • Challenge Poverty Week 2021's Key Messages are:
  • Too many people in our society are locked in the grip of poverty, restricted from playing a full role in society. 
  • But in Scotland, we all agree that poverty can, and must, be solved. 

On each day during Challenge Poverty Week, we will focus on a different theme and these themes each have accompanying key messages. Due to the ongoing Covid 19 Pandemic, all of our information will again be made available online and we encourage everyone to log onto our new Challenge Poverty Week Pages each day to receive all of the help and assistance which will make their lives easier.

All of the solutions offered are designed to help you to increase your incomes and reduce your costs which we know if the quickest way to escape from poverty.

The daily themes this week are as follows:

Tuesday 5th October - Financial Wellbeing

We will be highlighting the support from our Dumfries and Galloway Council Financial Wellbeing Teams and Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service plus additional services all of whom will be able to help you too increase your incomes and reducing your costs

Wednesday 6th October - Social Security Scotland

Our national partners Social Security Scotland will be providing all of their resources including factsheets, social media resources, flyers and videos.Each of these will provide information on all of the Benefits which are currently available to apply for and how to make Applications for these payments and the support available to everyone within our Region.

Thursday 7th October 2021 - Employment

As well as highlighting all of the support which we have available, we will also feature information and contacts for our partners  including Skills Development Scotland who can help anyone facing unemployment or who may already be unemployed to access Training Opportunities to help anyone get back into work.

Friday 8th October 2021 - Home, Fuel, Digital Connectivity & Food

This day will feature a wide range of support mechanisms including Housing and Homelessness, Support for Fuel Costs, Food Insecurity and where to access support and additional projects including our Council's Period Dignity Project.

Saturday 9th October 2021 - Supporting Young People

Our Young People's Services Teams will be showcasing all of the projects and services which are on offer all throughout our Region which offer confidential help and support to young people who are facing a range of challenges at this time. 

Sunday 10th October - Tackling Poverty Throughout our Communities

Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway are in the process of re-launching their Tackling Poverty Forum which offers support to all third sector organisations though-out the region who tackle all forms of poverty and we will highlight how all Groups can get involved. We will also be featuring details on how Dumfries and Galloway Council are helping to tackle poverty throughout our Region, we will be highlighting the new Poverty and Inequalities Partnership which was launched in August 2021 and we will also hear from local Elected Members on how we are continuing to prioritise tackling poverty each and every day.

We will also be hearing from a number of Community Groups who support people each and every day and the impacts which their projects have had to change the lives of those which they support. 

Please log on and help us to highlight all of the help and assistance which is available every day to anyone in need. All of the Dumfries and Galloway Council Services and Partner Organisations are here to help you and we are ready for your call.

For more information on Challenge Poverty Week 2021, please log onto Challenge Poverty Week - The Poverty Alliance

Page last updated: 08/10/2021
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