Public Protection Partnership Strategic Plan 2024-2027

The aim of the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) is to:

  • Develop public protection activity by working effectively together and making planning processes easier to navigate.
  • Make sure there is robust support, review, and monitoring of public protection arrangements.
  • Take responsibility for the strategic development and delivery of services to those who are experiencing or at risk of significant harm.

The PPP Strategic Plan 2024-2027 sets out the Partnership's vision: "to work together to protect Dumfries and Galloway's most vulnerable people".

The strategy outlines five strategic aims for the PPP during 2024-2027:

  1. Identify all those at risk through increased understanding, training and awareness raising
  2. Protect and support those experiencing or at risk of harm
  3. Fully utilise multi agency collaborations, opportunities, and resources to continuously improve services and practice
  4.  Work across partnerships and partners to achieve priorities and shared outcomes
  5. Continue to develop robust assurance pathways across the PPP

The Strategic Plan has four priority areas of focus that sit across the key pillars of public protection activity;

  • Lived/Living Experience
  • Self-Neglect
  • Sexual Harm
  • Multi-Agency Chronologies and Information Sharing


Performance reports

Page last updated: 24/09/2024
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