Our Budget Consultation 2025/26 is now live. -
Have your say at dumgal.gov.uk/budget.

What is Challenge Poverty Week?

The Poverty and Inequalities Partnership are supporting Challenge Poverty Week 2022 which is the annual national Campaign Awareness Raising Week led by Poverty Alliance Scotland.

The aims of the week are:

  • To raise a unified voice against poverty and show that we all want to live in a more just and equal Scotland
  • To build awareness of and support for solutions to poverty
  • To change the conversation around poverty and help end the stigma of living on a low income

Co-Leaders Launching CPW2022

Together with the Poverty Alliance, the Poverty and Inequalities Partnership are all coming together to produce a week-long programme of video's, downloadable information and events around 7 Key Themes -

  • Monday - Cost of Living
  • Tuesday - Work and the Economy
  • Wednesday - Social Security
  • Thursday - Energy and the Environment
  • Friday - Communities
  • Saturday - Health and Care
  • Sunday - Housing and Public Services

Please find our Challenge Poverty Week 2022 Programme below.

Challenge Poverty Week 2022 Programme [PDF - 399KB]

FREE Film Screenings

As part of Challenge Poverty Week 2022 we are screening three FREE films in our Film Theatres in Dumfries and Stranraer.

These film screenings are FREE events.  We are working in partnership with local food bank providers in which all ticket holders who feel comfortable to do so, are invited to bring along an item for donation. This is discretionary and will depend on an individual ticket holders circumstances and is not a condition for entry.

FREE Filming Screenings Poster [PDF - 129KB]

What is the Poverty and Inequalities Partnership?

In 2021 we developed a new Tackling Poverty in Dumfries and Galloway Strategy and to help us progress this work a Poverty and Inequalities Partnership was formed.

Our Vision

'A Dumfries and Galloway in which local action has driven poverty as low as possible and has mitigated as far as possible the impact of poverty when experienced'.

Our Objectives

  • Outcome Objective 1: Tackling severe and persistent poverty and destitution
  • Outcome Objective 2: Maximising income of people facing poverty
  • Outcome Objective 3: Reducing the financial pressures on people in poverty
  • Outcome Objective 4: Building individuals and communities ability to deal with the effects of poverty
  • Enabling Objective 1: Building organisational and system capacity
  • Enabling Objective 2: Addressing barriers to access

Within the Poverty and inequalities Partnership, there are four Sub-Groups, focusing on specific objectives

  • Sub Group 1 - "Tackling severe and persistent poverty and destruction" and "Building individual and community resilience to poverty"
  • Sub-Group 2 - "Measuring income of people facing poverty"
  • Sub-Group 3 - "Reducing financial pressures on people facing poverty"
  • Sub-Group 4 - "Child Poverty"

Members of the Poverty and Inequalities Partnership

We aim to provide information in a range of formats so that it's accessible for as many people as possible.

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Page last updated: 05/10/2022
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