Local Housing Strategy

Delivering high quality, sustainable and affordable housing to address unmet need is a key policy aspiration for Dumfries and Galloway Council and its partner organisations.

The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) is the Council's sole strategic document for housing in this area. It sets out the approach of the local authority and its partners in deliver housing and related services in the region.

While not exhaustive, the LHS describes our actions to address:

  • fuel poverty
  • tackle poor house conditions
  • support the integration of health and social care
  • encourage development of affordable housing
  • increase independent living

The LHS sets out this Council's contribution to the national vision that all people in Scotland live in high quality sustainable homes that they can afford and meet their needs

Housing Need and Demand Assessment

On the 24 October 2024, Dumfries and Galloway Council's Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) was appraised by the Scottish Government CMA (Centre for Housing Market Analysis) and achieved robust and credible status

This HNDA will influence affordable housing policies and the allocation of suitable available land. The assessment will also help the local housing strategy, and the local development plan identify what we need to do to meet our housing need and demand requirements, now and in the future. It will help us to work out the best way of delivering the strategic outcomes.

The study will estimate the number of new homes needed in Dumfries & Galloway over the next 20 years and assess the housing needs of specific groups including new households who want to form, households with a health condition or disability who need specialist housing and key workers.

You can review the Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2024 below:

Developing the next Local Housing Strategy

Dumfries and Galloway Council asked for your views to help develop the next Local Housing Strategy. To have your say on housing priorities across Dumfries and Galloway by completing our Early Engagement Survey, this was available until 5 January 2024.

Complete the survey.

We are also specifically seeking the views of Gypsy / Travellers to help develop the next Local Housing Strategy. Complete our Early Engagement Survey, before 5 January 2024.

Complete the Gypsy / Traveller survey.

If you are a local business or employer, we need your views on how housing is impacting on business growth, recruitment, and retention. Your input is vital so that we can help support the growth and development of the local economy. Please complete our Key Worker Survey, which is available until 5 January 2024.

Complete the Key Workers survey

Strategic Housing Investment Plan

The Scottish Governments Affordable Housing Investment Programme has committed £3 billion to fund the delivery of new affordable homes nationally over a 5 year period. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) sets out the key priorities for affordable housing development in Dumfries and Galloway:

The preparation of the SHIP is a continuous activity that requires regular Committee decisions throughout the planning period, items are subject to change. The SHIP tables are available to view upon request.

Lochside Regeneration

Dumfries and Galloway Council are working in partnership with the community of Lochside and Wheatley Homes South to develop a community-led masterplan to regenerate Lochside and support a thriving, healthy and sustainable neighbourhood for people to live, learn and work.

This is an exciting and major regeneration programme.  To learn more and get involved, check out the programme's webpage at www.wheatleyhomes-south.com/lochside-regeneration

Dumfries Urban Capacity Study

An Urban Capacity Study has been produced aimed at identifying the potential housing capacity of Dumfries, with a particular focus on the town centre and derelict buildings. It aims to provide a high-level picture of the potential for the provision of new homes throughout Dumfries, prioritised around the high street, and thereafter considering sites within the towns Local Development Plan settlement boundary. It will help target investment and funding and identify where this will have the greatest benefit. Introducing more urban living to the town centre can repopulate and reinvigorate the heart of Dumfries.

Further information

Call 01387 273150 to find out more about the LHS.

Page last updated: 05/11/2024
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