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Developer Contributions to Upgrade the Water Supply at Gretna Border Draft Supplementary Guidance Consultation

On 2nd December 2019, Dumfries and Galloway Council will begin a public consultation on the following supplementary guidance to the Local Development Plan 2:

The consultation will close at 5pm on 27 January 2020.

Why we are consulting

This supplementary guidance outlines the approach and the mechanisms that will be used by the Council to secure infrastructure contributions from developers to upgrade the water supply at Gretna Border.

Development in Gretna, Gretna Green and Springfield has been limited for a considerable number of years because of a lack of water supply. The Scottish Government, Scottish Water and the Council have been working closely to find a solution to resolve these issues.

Local people and statutory bodies are being invited to comment on the approach and mechanisms outlined in the supplementary guidance to secure contributions.

Have your say

The consultation will last until 5pm Monday 27 January 2020.

Comments are invited from anyone with an interest in the Developer Contributions to Upgrade the Water Supply at Gretna Border and may be submitted in writing to ldp@dumgal.gov.uk or to Development Planning, Kirkbank House, English Street, Dumfries, DG1 2HS.

What we'll do with the results

The comments received will be considered carefully and further amendments will be made to the supplementary guidance.  The amended document will go before a Committee of the Council to seek approval and formal adoption of the supplementary guidance will follow.

Page last updated: 24/06/2022
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