Open Data Strategy

The strategy outlines our plans to engage with citizens and make more information available under an Open Government License. We are aiming to enhance existing data quality procedures and share best practice, to make information easier for the public to understand and re-use.

The strategy provides a foundation for the development and adoption of open data within Dumfries and Galloway Council.

The strategy was approved by the Information Management Group in November 2018.

Our Vision

'Transparency is key, by releasing the data that aids us in decision making and helps us deliver our services, we will allow the public to become more engaged, empowered and influence how the Council operates.'

To achieve this, we have identified four objectives, that will play a key role in the successful development and use of open data. The following objectives have been developed based on the Council's priorities, our own industries best practice and current legislation.

Objective 1: Become an open and transparent Council
Objective 2: Public engagement and empowerment
Objective 3: Share high quality information with third parties
Objective 4: Facilitate and support innovation and economic growth


To deliver the vision and objectives of the strategy an action plan has been developed with clearly defined actions, which will be measured and reported on regularly.

Open data

Our council is committed to public engagement, transparency and accountability. In doing so, we are releasing our data in an 'open' format.

More information

To find out more about the Open Data Strategy

Related pages
Page last updated: 29/06/2023
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