Consultation on the Draft Gatehouse of Fleet Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan

Gatehouse of Fleet Conservation Area includes most of the historic Burgh of Gatehouse of Fleet.

It is a settlement at a crossing point over the River Fleet.  It is within the Fleet Valley National Scenic Area in the former county of Kirkcudbrightshire on the western side of Dumfries and Galloway Council region.

On Friday 13 September 2024, Dumfries and Galloway Council will begin a consultation on the draft supplementary guidance to the Local Development Plan:

A paper copy of the document will also be available in Gatehouse of Fleet Library.  If you or someone you know needs help with accessing the document please get in touch.

Why we are consulting

Gatehouse of Fleet Conservation Area was designated on the 2nd November 1974 and reviewed and updated on 29 July 2005.   It has a special history and keeping the local historic character is an important part of a community's sense of place. 

The draft Gatehouse of Fleet Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan supplementary guidance identifies the key features of the character of the conservation area and how they might be managed.  Local people, statutory bodies, interest groups and organisations and anyone who knows the town are invited to comment on the content of the document.

Have your say

The consultation has been extended and will now last until Thursday 28 November 2024.

Comments are invited from anyone with an interest in Gatehouse of Fleet Conservation Area and may be submitted by email, in writing to

or, by post to Development Planning, Dumfries and Galloway Council, c/o Council HQ, English Street, Dumfries, DG1 2DD.

What we'll do with the results

The comments received will be considered carefully.  Amendments based on the comments will be proposed to a future Economy and Infrastructure Committee of the Council for their consideration and to seek approval for the proposed amendments.  Formal adoption of the document as supplementary guidance to Policy HE2 of Local Development Plan 2 will follow, if agreed.


Page last updated: 16/10/2024
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