Dumfries Town Centre - Better Streets

Have your say on ideas aimed at creating safer, more pleasant and more accessible spaces for everyone to walk, wheel or cycle as well as improved delivery access.

Dumfries is a historic and attractive market town with a good selection of independent shops, striking buildings and public spaces which reflect the town's significant cultural heritage. One of the main ways to enhance its appeal to residents and visitors is to make it easier for everyone to move around the town centre. When town centre streets are improved, people tend to spend more time in them - good news for local people and businesses alike.

Find out more about active travel

Better Streets

Several parts of the town centre have been identified for improvement by transport consultants SYSTRA on behalf of SWESTRANS and Dumfries and Galloway Council, based on local feedback and issues identified in the Dynamically Different Dumfries  project which was led by Dumfries Partnership Action Group. The consultants have created design concepts to show what these improvements could look like.

The schemes

  1. Rail Station to High Street
  2. Shakespeare Street to English Street
  3. High Street and Church Street Crescent
  4. Academy Street
  5. Nith Avenue, George Street and Irving Steet
  6. Irish Street
  7. Buccleuch Street and Bridge
  8. St. Michael's Roundabout
  9. Leafield Street / Brooms Road Roundabout
  10. St. Mary's Street and Cornwall Mount

Dumfries better streets map

How to have your say

To decide which designs move to the next stage of development, and what changes might be needed, feedback from local people and businesses is essential.


Please complete the online survey before 16 December 2024.  Please follow the instructions at the start of the survey to ensure it's not submitted until completed.

Complete the survey

Scheme drawings can be found here.

View the scheme drawings

Hard copies are available for those who are unable to use the online survey. You can find these at Ewart Library in Dumfries.

Drop in events

Come to our drop-in information events to find out more and speak to the project team. These events will be held at The Smithy, 113-115 Dumfries High Street, DG1 2QT on:

  • 11 November 2024 from 12 noon until 7pm
  • 12 November 2024 from 12 noon until 7pm

A further session will take place at Ewart Library, Catherine Street, Dumfries, DG1 1JA on:

  • 23 November from 9am until 12 noon

Hard copies of the survey will also be available.

Find out more 

Go to the Storymap resource created for the project to view full scheme details, including sliders showing "before and after" images of each suggested improvement.

View full details

What happens next?

The project team will look at all the feedback received, make any changes to the favoured designs then ask local residents and businesses to feed back again. Once any designs are finalised, additional external funding would be needed before any work could take place.

Please note that other studies looking at flood protection and parking needs in Dumfries are not linked to these proposals, although any early findings from these projects will be considered.

Get in touch  

The project team will report back on the survey and drop-in events on this page.

For technical support with the online survey and questions about the drop-in events only, please contact Dumfriesactivetravel@systra.com.

Join the mailing list for updates on this and other active travel projects in the region.

Page last updated: 07/11/2024
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