Whitesands project - latest position

At Full Council on 4 October 2023, Members were asked to agree an optimum option to progress with the development of the Whitesands Flood Protection Scheme and Public Realm Improvements.

What stage is the Project at?

The Whitesands Project is being delivered in accordance with the standard 9-stage process for flood schemes outlined below (Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009: local authority functions under part 4 guidance).

Whitesands project 2025 latest position

A report on the Whitesands Project was presented to Full Council on 4 October 2023. Members agreed to progress the published Flood Protection and Public Realm Improvements Scheme. This provided the mandate for delivery of 'Whitesands' as a priority capital project, a scheme to provide both flood protection and regeneration for the Whitesands area of Dumfries.

Following this decision, the Council appointed Turner & Townsend to provide technical project management services, enabling access to an experienced team of flood project specialists who currently work on a number of major projects across Scotland and the wider United Kingdom.

Our team has been working to progress this important project and we are now in a position to undertake additional ground investigation works to inform the detailed design of the project design - stage 7 above.

This stage of the process requires the following works to continue or commence imminently:

  • Appointment of a suitably qualified and experienced ground investigation contractor through a competitive tender process. The successful contractor will carry out additional site investigation works to complement the existing information obtained earlier in the project. (Complete)
  • Appointment of a design consultant to undertake and complete the detailed design (Stage 7). 
  • Continued engagement with utility companies to confirm any required diversions, and to avoid any conflicts with the proposed Main Construction Works - Stage 9.

What is the latest position?

Ground Investigation Works
The invasive ground investigation works were completed over the summer 2024, although the equipment installed remains for ongoing data collection each month, to enable us to capture seasonal ground water changes.

Appointment of a design consultant
After a competitive procurement process, in mid-autumn we appointed an experienced design team, Jacobs, to deliver on a challenging programme to complete the detailed design in time to meet the Scottish Government funding deadlines of 31 March 2026.

Survey work to enable detailed design to progress          
Various surveys to inform detailed design are planned during 2025, so you may see contractors periodically working on site carrying out a range of activities. These include:

  • Topographical surveys of the scheme area to update previous records to support the development of the design.
  • Drone surveys for the scheme area - these surveys will help create the images and 3D models of the scheme area.
  • Bathymetric surveys on the river along the scheme area again will help inform the design and provide a baseline of the existing river condition.

Environmental Surveys

The design consultant is finalising the environmental survey schedule that will include all aspects of wildlife, fauna and flora that maybe impacted by the scheme. We are liaising with a range of environmental stakeholders about this. Further information will be published when finalised.

Click this link for a map showing the Whitesands Project boundary

Further information

Please contact us if you have any questions about this process or the project in general via:

Email: whitesandsproject@dumgal.gov.uk
Telephone: 030 33 33 3000 

Page last updated: 07/02/2025
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