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Flood Risk Management

For the purposes of flood risk management, Scotland has been divided into 14 Local Plan Districts based on river catchments, with Dumfries and Galloway Council as the Lead Local Authority for the Solway Local Plan District.

The Local Flood Risk Management Plans set out actions to reduce the impact of flooding, and are to be updated on a 6 yearly cycle, the first cycle covered the period from 2016-2022. An updated Solway Local Plan District Flood Risk Management Plan covering 2022-2028 (Cycle 2) has now been published by Dumfries and Galloway Council, in partnership with SEPA, Scottish Water and other partners.

Cycle 2 (2022-2028)

We work in partnership with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Scottish Water and other partners to develop strategies and plans to improve how we respond to and manage flood risk.

Following consultation on Flood Risk Management Plan (Strategy) and the Solway Local Flood Risk Management Plan, SEPA published a Flood Risk Management Plan for the Solway District in December 2021. This plan was used by local partners to develop the complementary Local Flood Risk Management Plans (LFRMP). The LFRMP provides more detail on how and when the actions set out in this plan, for 2022-2028, will be delivered.

A printed copy of the plan will be available to view at the Ewart Library in Dumfries and the Stranraer Library (DG Customer Services).

Cycle 1 (2016-2022)

SEPA published a Flood Risk Management Strategy for the Solway District for the first cycle in December 2015 with the supplementary Solway Local Flood Risk Management Plan published in June 2016:

The Interim Report to the Local Flood Risk Management Plan was published in February 2019 covering the first half of the cycle and gave details of progress made at that time in delivering the actions within the LFRMP. With the completion of the first cycle, a Final Report has been published detailing progress of actions as identified within the first cycle.

Page last updated: 09/01/2023
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