Digital and ICT Strategy

Our council is focusing on building Information and Communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and solutions to assist our staff in delivering modern public services.


The aim of the Digital and ICT strategy is to provide a cohesive, approach to technology, integrated across the council. Which focuses on the delivery of modern public services to meet the needs and requirements of the citizen and all who use our services and facilities.


Delivery of the strategy will allow us to transform how ICT is used by our council to deliver its services. We will do this by:

  • Continue to provide ICT support services to allow directorates continued use of technology to deliver their services
  • Adopting cloud based technologies to deliver a more flexible and functional ICT infrastructure
  • improve our cyber security by continuing to develop our system security, and by maintain our anti -virus and encryption products at an appropriate level.
  • Upgrading our telephony infrastructure to be more effective and allow call centre functionality to be improved.
  • Provide the necessary ICT environment to allow the benefits from Smarter Working o be realised.
  • Improved information sharing, that will support the development of a shared services, and allow development of a business intelligence and report function.
  • Improved engagement with services which will identify needs and deliver solutions.
  • Replacement of our wide area network enabling potential upgrades.
  • Using process reviews, workflows and digital services to deliver efficiencies, which along with our Web Improvement Programme will see a better customer service delivery.
  • We will introduce a new records management system, and lead on the delivery of a corporate records management plan.
  • In conjunction with the school's service, develop proposals to improve the use of ICT in schools.


Performance report 


Page last updated: 29/01/2025
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