Ward Events

Ward Events allow local residents to engage with councillors in their ward about issues that affect them. We hold events in any of the 12 council wards with topics proposed by the people who live there.

Ward Events will address issues in a ward where:

  • community engagement is needed to inform and influence changes in a project or service area
  • community volunteers can work with our council to improve the local area

It wouldn't be appropriate to arrange a Ward Event to consider an issue which is already being addressed, or will be addressed, by the council or a partner organisation as part of an existing engagement or development programme.

Ward events

Ward Events allow local residents to engage with councillors in their ward about issues that affect them. 

Recent ward events

Propose an event

Councillors, community councils, third sector organisations and local residents are invited to submit suggestions for events in their ward.

Let us know if you have an idea for a Ward Event:

You can  contact your local ward officer if you'd like to discuss your idea informally or want more information.

British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact us by using Contact Scotland BSL

Approving an event

Councillors will be notified of any proposals for events in their ward and asked to give feedback. At least two councillors (in three member wards) and three councillors (in four member wards) need to agree the topic before it is selected.

If a topic is proposed that affects more than one ward then the councillors in the neighbouring ward(s) will be advised and a joint event can take place if the majority of councillors in each ward agree.

The final decision on whether an event is appropriate will be made by the Director Communities in conjunction with the elected members in the relevant ward(s). Decisions will be made a week after receiving the request, applicants will be informed of the decision if contact details have been supplied. 

The time between the proposal being agreed and an event taking place will not be less than six weeks.

Deciding the format

We'll use a wide range of formats and approaches to Ward Events depending on the topic being addressed. Options could include:

  • a visit/tour to a facility or project
  • a public panel (Question Time style) with councillors
  • a facilitated focus group discussion
  • individual interviews (chat show format) between councillors and members of the public, community groups of council officers
  • presentations by community group(s) who receive Area Committee funding

We'll investigate various options to identify the best format for specific events to ensure that the Ward Event and the outcomes are as valuable as possible.

Protocol for ward events

This document governs and guide the decisions made by the Council and its officers and ensure that a robust, clear and accountable framework is in place.


Page last updated: 20/02/2025
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