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Langholm Ward Event - 5 December 2022

A Ward Event was held on 5 December 2022, which brought together community representatives, Annandale East and Eskdale Councillors and staff from Dumfries and Galloway Council and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, to discuss the management of the Esk and Wauchope rivers.

We asked

Community representatives to share their concerns.

You said

What we'll do with the results

  • There will be a note taken by Communities Directorate officers in a 'community friendly' format, which will record the key issues raised during the Event. This will be sent to Elected Members and attendees (should they choose to provide an email address) and posted on the Council's website.
  • Any recommendations for action will be reported to the relevant officer, area or service Committee for consideration.
  • Any other issues raised out with the Event topic will also be recorded and sent to the appropriate Council Service or partner for consideration.
  • A report will be submitted to the Communities Committee on a six-monthly basis, providing information on the recommendations arising from the Ward Events during that period and any follow up action by officers or Committees; and a progress report after the first six months of operation to the Sub Committee on Standing Orders.

Further information

Page last updated: 20/12/2022
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