Monday - Housing

A Scotland where we have safe, secure and sustainable homes.

Our Council does not provide any council houses, instead housing associations are the main providers of affordable housing in the Region.

Applications for social rented housing can be made through Homes4D&G.  This is the name of the common housing register and is a partnership between;

For more information, please click here.

Housing options and help for homeless people

Our Council have a legal duty to help people who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless.

Housing Options is the information and advice process that we use when you approach us with a housing problem.  Housing Options aims to prevent homelessness wherever possible.  Please click here for more information.

If you are homeless, or think you might become homeless, we can arrange temporary or permanent accommodation if circumstances warrant it and by providing support and advice, please click here for more information.

Call 030 33 33 3001 number  or email outside if office hours if you need urgent help to find somewhere to stay tonight.

Council Tax Discounts

You may be eligible for a discount on your council tax in special circumstances.

Click here for more information.

Emergency Energy Payment Assistance Programme

This programme offers help to older and vulnerable people within our Region who may be struggling to cover the costs of their home energy payments.

You can get up to three separate payments of up to £49 each time you need assistance.

For more information, click here.

Energy Saving Tips

The Energy Savings Trust have came up with some top tips and advice for quick and easy ways to save energy, lower your bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Click here for more information.

Understanding your energy bill can be confusing, however Home Energy Scotland have produced a helpful guide to help you understand your bill. 

Struggling with your energy bills? Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Bureau can help. 

  Energy Safe Warm >> [PDF - 88KB]

Carbon Monoxide Awareness

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, poisonous gas produced by incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels (including gas, oil, wood, petrol and coal).

Because you can't see it, taste it, or smell it, it is highly dangerous and in certain conditions can kill quickly and without warning.

If you are concerned there is CO present in your home, or notice symptoms of CO poisoning, contact the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999 immediately.

More information on carbon monoxide.

FRS CO Leaflet >> [PDF - 149KB]

You can also contact Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service for advice on carbon monoxide and to get your own free carbon monoxide monitor for your home.

Call 0300 303 4321 or visit for more information.

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You can access a range of accessibility features to customise this website via the 'Speak / Translate' link in the site menu at the top of each page. The Recite Me toolbar provides a Screen Reader, reading support tools, changes to website styling and real time translation.

Click 'Speak / Translate' at the top right of the page to get started

More info on "ReciteMe' >>

Page last updated: 14/10/2024
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