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Audit and Inspections

Dumfries and Galloway Council services are regularly assessed for quality, impact and efficiency. Find out about the recent audits, inspections and assessments carried out on Dumfries and Galloway's key services.

Like all public services we have to undergo independent, external scrutiny and inspections to review what we do and how well we are performing to ensure that we are providing the best possible services for the people of Dumfries and Galloway. 

We are subject to a range of regular inspections which are carried out on our key services:

Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate is a non-departmental public body (NDPB).  The Care Inspectorate's purpose is to provide assurance and protection for people who use care, social work and children's services. 

To search for Dumfries and Galloway inspection reports please visit Care Inspectorate Publications & Statistics page.


Education Scotland

Education Scotland is an executive agency.  It is the Scottish Government's national development and improvement agency for education.  It is charged with providing support and challenge to the education system, from early years to adult learning, in line with the government's policy objectives.  To search for Dumfries and Galloway Educational reports please visit the Education Scotland Inspection reports page.


Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is a health body.  The function of HIS is to improve the quality of the care and experience of every person in Scotland every time they access healthcare by supporting healthcare providers.  To search for inspection reports please visit Healthcare Improvement Scotland website


Scottish Housing Regulator

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) is a non-ministerial department.  The statutory objective of the SHR is to safeguard and promote the interests of people who are or may become homeless, tenants of social landlords, or recipients of housing services provided by social landlords.  To search for Dumfries and Galloway Council reports please visit the Home | Scottish Housing Regulator website


Accounts Commission

The Accounts Commission is a non-departmental public body (NDPB).  The Accounts Commission is the public's independent watchdog for local government in Scotland.  Its role is to examine how Scotland's 32 councils manager their finances, help these bodies manage their resources efficiently and effectively, promote Best Value and publish information every year about how they perform.  View more information on the Accounts Commission


Audit Scotland

Audit Scotland is a statutory body providing services to the Accounts Commission and the Auditor General for Scotland (AGS). Working together, the Accounts Commission, the AGS and Audit Scotland ensure that public sector bodies in Scotland are held to account for the proper, efficient and effective use of public funds.  View more information on Audit Scotland



Page last updated: 07/03/2022
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