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The Council has made significant progress in our Transformation journey, developing detailed programmes of work to transform important areas of service, following customer and citizen consultation. While we have made early progress on these, the impact of Covid-19 has meant we have had to accelerate the pace of transformation on areas such as digital and customer services to meet essential needs of our citizens.

The impact of Covid-19 on the Council's finances, including loss of income and additional expenditure, will have a significant and longer-term effect on our future plans.  As our Council services responded to the COVID-19 pandemic it is evident that new and better ways of doing things have emerged and work is underway to ensure that these are embedded into new ways of working as well as featuring in refreshed transformation plans which will be developed by the end of 2021.

The Transformation Programme is organised in six overall themes which were agreed in setting the Council's three-year budget from 2018/19. They are:

  • Theme 1 - Sustained focus of resources on our Council Plan Priorities outcomes.
  • Theme 2 - Transform our customer experience and improve our digital offer.
  • Theme 3 - Modernise how we deliver some services to meet our outcomes.
  • Theme 4 - Maximise use of fewer assets, working with and within communities.
  • Theme 5 - Develop a smaller more flexibly skilled workforce for the future.
  • Theme 6 - Maximise our income and underpinning fairness through targeted concessions.

Regular updates on the Transformation Programme are presented to Finance, Procurement and Transformation Committee, to search for reports please visit Browse meetings - Finance, Procurement and Transformation Committee (moderngov.co.uk)

Page last updated: 07/03/2022
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