Update on council services affected by Storm Eowyn -
Last updated 9.50am, Monday 27 January.

Records Management Plan

The Records Management Plan is published to show the Council's commitment to establishing and maintaining good record keeping practices.

The Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 came fully into force in January 2013. The primary aim of the Act is to promote efficient and accountable record keeping. The Act requires our Council to prepare and put in place a Records Management Plan setting out proper arrangements for the management of our records.


The current plan was approved by the Keeper of the Records of Scotland on 12 February 2019.

It sets out arrangements for the management of records held by Dumfries and Galloway Council, Dumfries and Galloway Licensing Boards, the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer for Dumfries and Galloway and the South West of Scotland Transport Partnership.

It sets out the overarching framework for records management within the authorities covered, based on the the Keeper's Model Plan .

Our Plan describes the way the Council cares for the records it creates, in any format, whilst carrying out its business activities. The Plan is supported by a suite of policies, procedures and guidance for staff.

We are continually striving to improve our records management practices and ensure that we can meet the aims set out in our Records Management Plan and associated policies.

Benefits of records management

Records are one of the Council's most vital assets. They support decision-making, document activities, provide evidence of policies, decisions and transactions, protect the interests and rights of staff, and members of the public, who have dealings with the Council and underpin the daily work of the Council. Records management is a coordinated approach to ensuring that the information we generate or receive whilst carrying out our business is: looked after responsibly, accessible, secure, is not kept for longer than necessary, and complies with legislative obligations.

Monitoring and review

Our Council is committed to monitoring the effectiveness of the Records Management Plan. The Plan and all related policies and procedures are subject to ongoing monitoring and annual review. This is to ensure that they remain up-to-date, take account of any new or changed legal requirements, best practice and business needs.

Record retention schedule

Our Council has rules that determine how long we need to keep records for all the functions we perform for you, from adoptions to waste collection. This list is called a record retention schedule.

Some retention rules are set by legislation, whereas others are based on informed business best practice. The schedule is reviewed and updated annually and as and when needed.

Further information

Page last updated: 14/02/2019
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