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Last Updated: 19/02/2025 07:59:10

Council response to fire at Southerness leisure complex
Tuesday, 09 July 2013 10:41
At around 0100 today, the Council’s Safety and Resilience team was notified of an incident at the leisure complex at Southerness.

The Council’s emergency centre was activated and a small team was assembled to support the emergency response and recovery.

The fire completely destroyed the main leisure complex building at Southerness. This accommodated the bar, shop, swimming pool, play area, electrical supply for pitches, and water supply to stand pipes. The site has around 220 static caravans. Residents who were evacuated have now been allowed back to their caravans.

The Council is currently working with the site owner and other agencies to secure the site and put temporary power and water supplies in place. The Council’s DGFirst has deployed two catering units to provide welfare support. The Council’s Economic Regeneration team is working on business support and recovery.
Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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