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Last Updated: 19/02/2025 07:59:10

Health and Social Care integration in Dumfries and Galloway
Thursday, 04 July 2013 15:36
The Community Health and Social Care Partnership Board (CHSCPB) considered the latest legislation on public bodies working together at its meeting today.

The Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Bill published on 28 May 2013 will affect how Dumfries and Galloway Council and NHS Dumfries and Galloway will integrate their health and social care services.

The CHSCPB looked at a number of possible models for the structure of a partnership in health and social care. The members agreed that it was important to keep making progress on integration and today’s discussions will influence how that happens.

The decision of the partnership board was to pursue the body corporate as the current preferred model, as set out in appendix 2 of the committee report. The intention is for the programme board to progress this model and report progress to a future meeting of the CHSCPB.

Chairman of the CHSCPB, Councillor Andy Ferguson, said, "I welcome today’s decision. This is not just about changing our structure, but about making sure that prevention, early intervention, and anticipating people's future needs are embedded in what we do. It's about making sure that we meet the needs of different groups and communities and that our health and social care is seamless for people. It's also about being efficient and making the best use of our resources."

For any model chosen, the bill states that the plan must include:
a) That the model has been agreed by partners
b) The functions delegated by the agreed model
c) That where functions are delegated, which functions are to be carried out in conjunction with the delegated functions (for example, those retained functions and how they link with delegated ones)
d) The method of calculating payments in respect of the delegated functions; and
e) Any additional information that might be requested or required by Scottish Ministers

Andrew Johnston, NHS Vice Chair and Vice Chair of the CHSCPB, said, "We have a shared commitment with our partners in the Council to ensure the best outcomes for people in this region. Our work in the CHSCPB will be focussing not just on the way that we make decisions together but on ensuring that our services are as joined up as possible where people use them. These are important discussions that will shape the future of health and social care in our region and, now that we have the published bill, I am confident we will make significant progress in making integrated working a reality."

Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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