Champions Board Project

The Champions Board project includes a number of targeted Youth Work provisions for young people aged 12 - 25 who are either 'looked after' in Dumfries and Galloway or 'looked after' by Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Who is it for?

The Champions Board is open to any young person with experiences of care in Dumfries and Galloway, this includes;

  • Young people in Foster, Kinship or Residential Care
  • Young people who are 'Looked After at Home'
  • Care Leavers

What do we do?

There are three main ways for you to get involved:

  • Local Youth Work Groups - these are groups that run after school or in the evening for young people who are care experienced. Each group does different activities depending on the interests of the young people who attend, previously we've had cooking, sports, games and crafts groups. It's a space where you can meet new people, chill out with friends and generally have fun.
  • Listen2Us - this group is for young people who want to change the care system, they meet every 2nd month and are focused on making positive changes to the way that young people are supported in the region.
  • Champions Board Meetings - these meetings involve young people from the Listen2Us group and senior managers from services like Social Work, Health, Education, Youth Services and Police Scotland. These meetings happen a few times per year and are an opportunity for young people to tell the people making the decisions what's working and what's not.

Individual grants

The Individual Grants Scheme has re-opened for applications and will close on Wednesday, March 3 2021.

A few things to know about us

  • We are a voluntary project - young people do not need to come along, and the things that are discussed at groups (unless someone is in harm) remain confidential.
  • The Champions Board is externally funded by an organisation called the Life Changes Trust. We sit alongside the Dumfries & Galloway's Youth Work Team who offer a range of targeted and universal services for young people 12 - 25.
  • Having your voice heard and being included in the decisions made about your life are things that by law should be happening. The Champions Board exists so that young people have a space to share their experiences and advocate for improved services.  

Further information

Contact the team to find out more:

Call: 01387 260243 or text 07827 954588

Page last updated: 04/02/2021
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