COVID-19 - Support for Local Businesses

We recognise that these are extremely challenging times for many local businesses and we want to assure industries of all sizes that, along with our partners, we will do everything we can to help during this unprecedented public health crisis.


We know our support to you is critical and we are working with other local and national organisations including the new South of Scotland Enterprise agency to prepare guidance, advice and tailor our support.

Government funding and relief for small and medium businesses will be available and our Council will be distributing this as quickly as possible. We continue to carry out a great deal of work behind the scenes in readiness for this as we appreciate that this support will need to be directed to businesses urgently.

Our message to you at this moment is to please continue to get in touch as soon as possible so that we can help and support you through this difficult time - but we need to know what you require so that, with our partners, we can consider how we might supplement the Government scheme which is available.

Get in touch

For specific advice on Non-domestic Rates reliefs:

Further information

We've put together information about the range of support announced for business, their employees and the self employed by the UK Government, the Scottish Government and the Council in the face of Coronavirus. This is a rapidly changing situation so we'll be updating this website with new information as it becomes available.

Page last updated: 31/03/2020
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