Business licences
You need a licence from us to trade in certain businesses.
Apply for a licence
Download and complete the relevant application form from this page. Details of return addresses, fees and supporting documents are included on the forms.
Each licence has a number of conditions that you should read before applying.
What happens next
There is a minimum consultation period of 28 days before applications are considered. This allows people to submit objections or representations before a decision is made. We'll contact you after this.
Comment on an application
Comments of objection or support must be made in writing within 28 days of the licence notice being given. Information on how to do this will be on the notice.
You'll need to provide:
- your name, address and contact details
- the reason for your objection or representation
Information relating to relevant application fees following an increase effective from 1 April 2025, can be found here:
Application forms
Boat hire
There are two licences for boat hire - one applies to people on the shore and the other is for boatmen in charge of taking people out on the water
Late night catering
A licence for the sale of food and refreshment between 11pm and 5am
Markets and car boot sales
These can include antique and craft fairs, farmers markets and continental markets. Exemptions are markets held by charitable, religious, political, youth and community groups or markets solely for livestock, fodder or grain.
Metal dealers
If you deal in or process metal you need a licence. If you do this door to door you need an itinerant metal dealers licence.
- (standard licence)
- (itinerant/travelling licence)
Non domestic knife dealers
It is a criminal offence to deal in knives or swords without a licence.
Second hand motor dealers
Sex shops
If you sell sex articles, toys, books, and films you need a licence
Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs)
With effect from 1 January 2023, all premises used for the purposes of sexual entertainment in Dumfries and Galloway shall require to be licensed in accordance with the provisions of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Please contact Licensing by email for an application form.
Skin piercing, tattooing, acupuncture and electrolysis
Street trading
You need a licence to clean wheeled bins or to sell hot or cold food for immediate consumption. Permission from the landowner or highways department and an inspection from Environmental Standards is also required.
Betting and gaming
If you run a from bingo hall, casino, betting shop, adult gaming centres, family entertainment centres or have a gaming machines you need a licence from us.
- (automatic entitlement to two gaming machines)
- (club gaming or club machines)
- (family entertainment centre gaming machines)
Small society lotteries
We grant a licence for a small society lottery if ticket sales for one event do not exceed £20,000. Ticket sales must also not exceed £250,000 in one year.
Above these limits your society may need to be licensed with the Gambling Commission instead.
- (registration of non-commercial society)
Window cleaners
Public Charitable Collections
An application for permission should be submitted by the organiser of the collection not later than 1 month before the date of the collection. Exempt organisations do not require permission but should notify the Licensing Service of their intention to collect, giving dates and locations, at least 3 months in advance.