Taxi and private hire licensing

To operate a taxi or private hire business or to drive a taxi you must have a licence from us. You cannot drive a taxi with a private hire car driver's licence.


The UK Government has created tax requirements for applications for particular licences across the UK including Scotland. The rules for completing a tax check changed on 2 October 2023 in Scotland. The new rules have already been implemented in England and Wales from 4 April 2022. Tax checks will be required for a taxi driver's licence/private hire car driver's licence and Booking Office licence.

The table below details when a tax check should be carried out prior to lodging an application and when confirmation of being aware of the HMRC guidance relating to tax checks is sufficient.

Please note that all renewal applications require the applicant to provide a 9 character tax code on the application form. Renewal applications will not be accepted by the Licensing Authority without an applicant's 9 character tax code provided by HMRC. The tax code provided from HMRC is valid for 120 days so please ensure when submitting a renewal application that a valid tax code is provided on the application. To complete a tax check

For most grant applications, an applicant will be required to confirm they are aware of their HMRC tax obligations when submitting an application.  However, there may be circumstances (see table below) when a 9 character tax code will be required.

To find out more information about your tax registration obligations please visit 

Renewal application

New Grant application where last licence expired/revoked less than 1 year from date of new application

New Grant (and holds same type of licence with another licensing authority)

New Grant and never held same type of licence before

New Grant and previously held licence that expired/revoked over a year ago from date of new application

Tax Check and 9 character  code provided with application

Tax Check and 9 character code provided with application

Tax Check and 9 character code provided with application

Applicant must confirm on application form aware of HMRC guidance relating to tax obligations

Applicant must confirm on application form aware of HMRC guidance relating to tax obligations

Taxi and private hire car drivers

A taxi driver's licence permits an individual to drive a taxi or private hire car licensed by this authority. A private hire driver's licence permits an individual to drive only a private hire car licensed by this authority.

Licences can be issued for up to 3 years and you must display an identification badge whilst driving.  We need to check:

Wheelchair accessible taxi and private hire vehicles

On 28 June 2022, the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Act 2022 came into effect which introduced new (and amending existing) legislation for taxi and private hire car drivers and operators in respect of disabled passengers.

Taxi and private hire operators

A taxi operator's licence is required to operate a taxi vehicle within Dumfries and Galloway (a taxis can be hailed in the street or picked up from a rank - it is not pre-booked).

A private hire operator's licence is required if you wish to operate a private hire vehicle within Dumfries and Galloway (private hire cars must be pre-booked only).

Taxi booking offices

As well as a taxi or private hire operator's licence, you may need a Booking Office Licence. 

A Booking Office licence is required for the use of any premises which is taking bookings (by any means of communication) from members of the public for the hire of a vehicle (subject of a taxi or private hire operator's licence) where the number of vehicles in respect of which bookings are taken, is 4 or more.

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Page last updated: 28/03/2025
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