Annual accounts

We publish accounts at the end of each financial year (1 April to 31 March). These accounts help us to demonstrate how we use public money.

The accounts show our income and spending over the previous 12 months and balances at the end of that period. Our accounts are checked by external auditors before they are signed off.

This year's accounts

Our audited Annual Accounts and audit report for 2023/24 are available below to review, as reflected below:

Accounts from previous years

Accounts for the last five financial years are also available to download:

Dumfries and Galloway Integration Joint Board Accounts

The IJB was established as a body corporate by order of the Scottish Ministers on 3 October 2015 as part of the establishment of the framework for the integration of Health and Social Care in Scotland under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.

The IJB has responsibility for the strategic planning and delivery of a defined range of Health and Adult Social Care services for the residents of Dumfries and Galloway.

Accounts from previous years


Page last updated: 22/11/2024
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