Weights and measures

We offer calibration and certification services for weighing and measuring equipment and test and monitor weighbridge operators.

Trading Standards ensure that the UK's system of weights and measures is fair, accurate and legal. This in turn allows businesses to compete with each other fairly and gives you confidence when buying weighed and measured goods.

Calibration and certification

Traders can request us to check the accuracy of their weighing and measuring equipment:

There is a fee for this service:

Public weighbridge services

Find your nearest weighbridge

To operate a public weighbridge you must have a certificate of competence. You need to pass a verbal and practical test to show you can:

  • operate the weighbridge and complete weighbridge tickets and documentation satisfactorily
  • understand the basic terms to do with the operation of the weighbridge
  • identify potential frauds and offences
  • understand the importance of accuracy by performing simple arithmetic with a calculator

Email tradingstandards@dumgal.gov.uk or call 030 33 33 3000 to apply if you'd like to operate a public weighbridge. We produce guidance and can help you prepare.


Page last updated: 28/03/2025
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