Newton Stewart Flood Protection Scheme

A Flood Protection Scheme is being developed to protect properties at risk from flooding from the River Cree in Newton Stewart.

The Scheme was developed to outline design stage, and it was published in 2023, with a number of objections received. Dumfries and Galloway Council made the preliminary decision to confirm the Scheme and have subsequently been asked by Scottish Government to hold a Hearing to consider the matter further. The Hearing will be held in Newton Stewart and a Reporter has been appointed to conduct the Hearing Process. This webpage will provide background information and all document relevant to the Hearing and will be updated as arrangement for the Hearing progress.


Developing a Flood Protection Scheme for Newton Stewart was one of the agreed actions in the Solway Local Flood Risk Management Plans 2016-22 and 2022-28, in addition to being included in the SEPA Flood Risk Management Plans (Solway Local Plan District) 2015 and 2021. The project has also been identified as National Priority 25 out of 42 Schemes (and 4 of 4 locally).

The preferred Scheme comprises of direct defences (walls and embankments) which will provide a 1 in 200 standard of protection. The estimated total project cost at outline design stage (all costs to date and estimated to completion to a mid-point of 2026) is £18.5 million. The Council has committed funding to this Scheme in its Capital Programme and Scottish Government to date have provided an 80% contribution.

Publication of the Scheme

Please continue to visit this site as it will be refreshed as details of the Hearing are known.        

At the meeting of the Communities Committee on 2 February, authority was granted to publish the Scheme.

The Scheme was formally published on the 25 May 2023.     

The following statutory and background documents were made available online with hard copies available to view in Newton Stewart Library.

Note, the Environmental Statement above did not include the response from Scottish Water and this is attached below

During the publication period (25 May to 23 June) a total of 58 objections were received, together with a representation from SEPA.

The Project Team reviewed the objections and responded to all objectors with additional information in response to the points that had been raised in the objections.

A Report was then submitted to the Communities Committee on 22 August 2023 and a decision made to Confirm the Scheme without Modification.

The Council notified the Scottish Government of this decision and received a reply which advised the matter should be referred to a local Hearing.


A Reporter has now been formally appointed to conduct the Hearing and in addition to reviewing the relevant background information has asked the following questions,

In addition to the above details and attachments, the following are considered relevant documents for this process (this list of documents will be added to and updated as the Hearing preparation continues).


If you require any further information contact the Flood Risk Management Team at Dumfries and Galloway Council.


Page last updated: 11/12/2024
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