Tackling Poverty Reference Group Webpage

The Tackling Poverty Reference Group (TPRG) is a region wide Group of volunteers who have direct experience of living in poverty. They provide a vital voice of their lived experience and how future policies, projects and funding could be developed to remove barriers for anyone in poverty.

The Group was established in 2016 as part of our Council's first Anti-Poverty Strategy 2015 - 2020 with the aim of providing our Council and partners a greater understanding of the needs of families and individuals facing all forms of poverty.

Our Volunteers

The group is made up of a number of volunteers from across the Region and has a Chairperson, Vice Chair and Secretary.

TPRG Volunteers

Our Work

The Group meet on a monthly basis where they regularly take part in consultations and engage with Council Officers and partners on specific topics.  Examples of some of the work the Group have previously been involved in, include -

  • The new Council Plan 2023 - 2028
  • Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP)
  • Housing Options and Homeless Strategy
  • Local Housing Strategy
  • Poverty and Inequalities Partnership Strategy 2021 - 2026
  • The North Star Research Report into Poverty and Deprivation in Dumfries and Galloway

Aside from the monthly meetings, the Group are also invited to volunteer at events across the region.  This year, some of the volunteers helped out at Youth Beatz at the Poverty and Inequalities Stall where they were giving away free period products and the Free School Uniform Events held across the Region giving away free school uniform to those who need it.

In 2021, the Group wrote a book looking at the hights and lows of their journey into making a difference to the lives of people living in poverty in Dumfries and Galloway.  Please click the link below to open the book.

A-Mountain-to-Climb.pdf (dumgal.gov.uk)


The Group meet on a monthly basis in Castle Douglas Community Centre.

Community Transport is provided for all volunteers or mileage expenses can be paid for those who choose to take their own vehicle.  Lunch is also provided.

The meetings are an opportunity to take part in consultations and engage with Council Services and partners on policies or projects that are being developed.  The meetings also provide an opportunity for partners to come along and provide inputs on helpful information that can help the Group in their daily lives, examples include -

  • Energy Advice from Dumfries and Galloway Citizen's Advice
  • Personal Safety Input from Police Scotland
  • Fire Safey Input from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

We need you

We would like to expand the Group and would welcome new members who can bring new ideas and a new perspective, if you think this could be you, please click on the form below to tell us a bit more about yourself.

If you would like to find out more about the Group, please send an email to Linsey Little, Development Officer - Poverty and Inequalities- Linsey.Little@dumgal.gov.uk

Page last updated: 29/01/2025
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