Emergency Energy Payment Assistance Programme

Emergency Energy Payment Assistance Programme for Vulnerable & Older People. Dumfries and Galloway Council have allocated £200,000,00 to deliver our new Emergency Energy Payment Assistance Programme for Vulnerable and Older People throughout our Region.

Energy Assistance

This Programme offers help to older and vulnerable people within our Region who may be struggling to cover the costs of their Home Energy Payments at this challenging time. We are completing this Project in conjunction with all of our following Project Partners and we can offer up to three separate payments of up to £49 each time you need assistance.

Anyone who is in receipt of at least one form of benefit payment can access this support through our project partners who are all detailed below.

Please check through our below list of project partners before calling any of the organisations to make sure that you are calling the correct one for you (e.g. if you are a DGHP Tenant, you would contact the Lemon Aid Fuel Poverty Project, if you are a Loreburn Tenant, you would phone Loreburn etc and if you are a Private Rented Sector Tenant, you should call DAGCAS).

Support Available to:

Project Partner

Contact Phone No:

Contact E-Mail Address & Website:


Private Rented Sector Tenants

Dumfries & Galloway Citizens Advice Service

Tel: 0300 303 4321



Home | Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service (dagcas.org)

DGHP / The Wheatley Group Tenants

Lemon Aid Fuel Poverty Project

Tel: 0800 221 8089

Lemon Aid Project - Cunninghame Housing Association


Loreburn Housing Association Tenants

Loreburn Housing Association

Tel: 01387 321 300


E-Mail: customerservice@loreburn.org.uk


Loreburn HA


Home Group Housing Tenants

Lemon Aid Fuel Poverty Project 

Tel: 0800 221 8089

Lemon Aid Project - Cunninghame Housing Association

Irvine Housing Association Tenants

Irvine Housing Association Tenants

Tel: 0345 111 0000

The Riverside Group | Social Housing | Housing Association

Cunningham Housing Association Tenants

Lemon aid Fuel Poverty Project

Tel: 0800 221 8089

Lemon Aid Project - Cunninghame Housing Association (cunninghame-housing.org)

For further information on this project, please contact our Poverty and Inequalities Team on either challenge.poverty@dumgal.gov.uk or by phone 07917432059.

Warmer Homes for Winter Project

The Warmer Homes for Winter Project is a new Region Wide Project which is being delivered by the DG Handyvan Project.

This Project is offering free coal, peat, logs, briquettes and kindling to those most in need across Dumfries and Galloway.  In order to qualify for this Project, clients must be in receipt of Pension Credit and evidence of this does need to be provided. 

Referrals are by Application Form and these can be obtained from D&G Handy Van (SCIO) by either emailing info@dghandyvan.org.uk (preferred method) or by phoning the DG Handy Van Office on 0800 069 9173. 

Referrals will be accepted between 1 November and 22 November 2024 only with delivery being completed across the region in December 2024.

Page last updated: 04/11/2024
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