Council contracts and tender opportunities

We follow established processes and standards to obtain supplies, services and works.

Find our adverts

The procurement of goods and services valued over £50,000 or works valued over £150,000 are formally tendered via the Public Contracts Scotland website:

Browse our current contract notices

You can register for free on the website and you'll receive notifications when we add new adverts. We also use the site to request quotes for low value and low risk procurement exercises which is particularly suitable for small, local companies.

Procurement rules and standards

Council procurement is delivered in line with some clear rules and standards to ensure we achieve best value, meet legal and social obligations, and are fair and accountable in dealings with contractors and suppliers.

Contracts register

We are legally obliged to keep and maintain a register of contracts. You can see all of our contracts where awards have been made for procurements above the £20,000 threshold as well as our planned contract opportunities in the document below:

The table below includes all contracts currently planned to be awarded during financial year 2024/25.  The "current status" column indicates the current stage of procurement, using the following key:

  • Icon for pdf DGC Procurement Workplan [PDF - 271KB]
  • Live - the tender process is underway and is live with the market; the tender has been advertised or quotations sought.
  • In development - the procurement process has begun, and the strategy and preparation of tender documents is currently being developed.
  • Planned - no current activity but expect to begin later this year.
  • On hold - initially planned to go forward but pending other information, the procurement is not currently progressing.

Frameworks in Use

Terms and conditions

For works contracts please contact the Contract Owner for Terms and Conditions.

Support and advice

Bidding for a public sector contract can seem daunting but there is extensive guidance to support you.

The Scottish Government has published information which explains the public sector procurement process and gives practical information on how to bid for public sector contracts:

You can also email if you require further information on our contracts, contract awards, procurement rules or processes.

Page last updated: 20/01/2025
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