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Last Updated: 19/12/2024 12:28:11

Council’s SHIP Charting the Course for Sustainable Housing Development for Years to Come
Thursday, 31 August 2023 16:05

A Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) sets out a local authority’s strategic investment objectives for housing over 5 years, specifically affordable housing, and Gypsy/Traveller accommodation.

Members of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy and Resources Committee (5 September) will be asked to note the Resource Planning Assumptions allocated to this region from the Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme (section); agree the inclusion of the Challoch site in the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (following submission to the Council by Wheatley Homes South); and agree the draft Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2023.

The development of energy-efficient, high-quality housing contributes to tackling socio-economic challenges as well as providing secure homes that improve people's lives. Construction jobs and training opportunities can also be gained by delivering new, affordable housing.

SHIP developments aim to bring brownfield sites back into use, regenerate empty buildings, and contribute to town centre sustainability. Finding a productive use for derelict sites can help address climate change by limiting urban sprawl, avoiding green space, and reducing the need for travel. Building affordable homes within walking distance of local services also enables people to live better, healthier lives and supports the Council’s net zero carbon ambitions.

Rent affordability plays a crucial role in tackling the rising cost of living, with housing costs being one of the biggest drivers of poverty, especially affecting single adults and families with children. Increasing affordable housing helps by providing high-quality homes at a lower cost to residents. New properties developed via the SHIP will also meet high energy efficiency standards, supporting work to lower fuel poverty.

The SHIP is a live document, subject to change throughout the year. The annual review allows Elected Members to identify new projects for consideration. To support delivery over the long term, pipeline developments are crucial. Members have stressed the need to identify projects in-demand areas, particularly in areas that have previously been constrained in delivery.

The Council has included 56 units on this site in its Local Development Plan (LDP) for Challoch, Leswalt. Individuals and families will be able to live here. In addition to bungalows built to amenity standards, social rent will be available. Upon completion of this development, around £13m is expected to be invested, including £5.7m from the RPA. It will also help meet the growing demand for energy-efficient homes.

The Scottish Government has committed to invest over £3.44 billion nationally in affordable housing over this parliamentary term. To allow Dumfries and Galloway Council to plan delivery for 2023/24 to 2025/26, a total RPA of £61.841m has been allocated to the region.

Chair of the Economy and Resources Committee, Cllr Ian Carruthers, said:

“The SHIP demonstrates how several Council Services work closely together to achieve a positive outcome. As part of their collaborative efforts with RSLs and developers involved in affordable housing delivery, relevant stakeholders can add value to the process. Increasing housing costs are a major cause of poverty, particularly for single adults and families, so rent affordability is key to addressing the rising cost-of-living. The SHIP provides high-quality homes for residents at a lower price, and contributes to the reduction of fuel poverty. New properties developed through the SHIP will meet high energy efficiency standards. By ensuring that these newly constructed homes are energy efficient, it also contributes to our Climate Emergency commitment.

Vice Chair, Cllr David Inglis, said:

“In addition to addressing climate change urgently and transitioning to a carbon-neutral region, the SHIP provides an important contribution to council priorities such as ‘Supporting our citizens, communities and being a responsive Council’. Affordable homes will support sustainable communities and economic development.”

Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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