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Last Updated: 19/02/2025 07:59:10

Langholm Academy Inspection Success
Monday, 24 April 2023 11:43

In January 2023, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited Langholm Academy to find out how well young people are learning and achieving. Inspectors evaluated Langholm Academy’s learning, teaching and assessment as ‘Good‘, and raising attainment and achievement as ‘Good’.  


 In a letter to parents, Education Scotland recognised the following strengths of the school:


  • There are positive relationships between staff and young people, creating a warm,

    supportive and calm learning environment across the school community. This is

    underpinned by the recently reviewed school vision, values and aims.

  • School staff's commitment to improve the education provision across the school. This

    includes systems to improve learning and teaching and monitor young people’s

    progress in learning.

  • There are positive improvements in literacy and numeracy levels in the Broad General

Education and in the Senior phase resulting in greater success for young people.


Inspectors reported that senior leaders, middle leaders and school staff should continue with their plans to improve learning, teaching and assessment. These should take account of the views of

young people and make sure they experience the right level of challenge in their learning. Staff should, as planned, work with young people, parents and key partners to increase levels of ambition and aspiration for young people in Langholm Academy. This includes a focus on higher quality passes in national qualifications and access to a broader curriculum.


Colin Cox, Chairperson, Langholm Academy Parent Council stated:


"This is a fantastic result that shows how lucky we are to have such a good school in Langholm. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the staff and the students, and to the partnership with parents, which all contributes to making Langholm Academy a nurturing and thriving learning community." 


Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Education and Learning Committee, Cllr Richard Brodie commented:

“The Inspectors’ Report is very positive. Young people are nurtured in a welcoming environment and the teachers go the extra mile to support them to achieve high standards in literacy and numeracy, whilst providing a good balanced curriculum. I am confident that staff will continue to show ambition for their pupils and ensure they have access to a high standard of education. Well done.” 

Vice Chair of Education and Learning Committee, Cllr Maureen Johnstone said:

“It is so refreshing to read such a positive report being given to Langholm Academy, it demonstrates a good working relationship in progress between Staff, Students, Parents and Key Partners, all with shared aspirations, they should all be very proud of what they have achieved.”


Lauren McLean-Gill, Headteacher said:


"I am delighted that Education Scotland has acknowledged the hard work and commitment of my staff, who consistently strive to provide the best possible experiences for our young people. The inspection team reported that our young people feel well supported and are clear about their progress and targets. Pupils know what their next steps in their learning are and feel confident their teachers know them well as learners. Education Scotland have validated the hard work and approach we take to getting the best for our pupils and we continue to be excited about our improvement journey.”


The report can be viewed in full from 25 April at

Page last updated: 20/05/2022
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