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Last Updated: 19/02/2025 07:59:10
Hungarians get sustainable in our region
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 16:23
You are invited to send a photographer and reporter to Council Headquarters in Dumfries at 13:30 on Friday 26 April to welcome visitors from Hungary as part of ‘100% RES (Renewable Energy Source) Communities’ project. Please note the delegates are travelling throughout the region and a full itinerary is outlined below.
The Hungarian partners will be shown highlights of the region’s existing sustainable energy projects and environmental based enterprises. Dumfries and Galloway is the only region in Scotland to have been chosen for the project meaning our region represents Scotland on a European platform.
'100% RES (Renewable Energy Source) Communities’ - a European Union funded region-wide sustainable energy project which is run in partnership with Community Energy Scotland. Fifteen communities in our region participated and will develop their very own ‘Sustainable Energy Action Plans’, a move which will cut greenhouse gases and reduce fuel poverty.
Hungarian Visit- Itinerary
Wednesday 24th April
Arrive at Moffat, Site Visit to Local Woodland Development of Wood Fuel Social Enterprise 12:30
Site visit to Beattock Primary School-Biomass and solar PV 14:30
Site Visit to South West Woods-Wood Fuels Processors 16:00
Thursday 25th April
Arrive Gatehouse; Mill on the Fleet 9:30
SEAP Presentation by Gatehouse Development Initiative, participants of
‘100% RES Communities’ 10:15
Technology workshop sessions and presentations
(Solar PV Roger Houston, Solway Solar Systems) 10.15
(Biomass John Gilliland, Mathers 11.30
Hydro- Chris Wood-Gee, DGC 13:30
Workshop and look around Mill on the Fleet and hydro potential 14:30
Visit to Cream of Galloway 15:30
Friday 26th April
Community and Council Session 9:20
Council Reception Councillor Ian Carruthers, Project Champion 9:30
Energy Efficiency in Scotland, The Big Picture Bob Baillie, Energy Agency 9:50
Supporting Communities in SEAP Development Angela Lamont 10:20
SEAP Presentations
Auchencairn Community Council 11:00
Glenkens/Langholm Initiative 11:25
Workshop Supporting Hungarian communities to develop their SEAP 11:50
Feedback and Q & A Session 12:10
Meet the Community Group and Councillors 12:30
Press Photo Call, Council Headquarters 13:30
Site visit to Barony College to look at district biomass system and 14:00
Visit to Dormont Passiv Haus Estate, Carrutherstown 15:30
The Hungarian partners will be shown highlights of the region’s existing sustainable energy projects and environmental based enterprises. Dumfries and Galloway is the only region in Scotland to have been chosen for the project meaning our region represents Scotland on a European platform.
'100% RES (Renewable Energy Source) Communities’ - a European Union funded region-wide sustainable energy project which is run in partnership with Community Energy Scotland. Fifteen communities in our region participated and will develop their very own ‘Sustainable Energy Action Plans’, a move which will cut greenhouse gases and reduce fuel poverty.
Hungarian Visit- Itinerary
Wednesday 24th April
Arrive at Moffat, Site Visit to Local Woodland Development of Wood Fuel Social Enterprise 12:30
Site visit to Beattock Primary School-Biomass and solar PV 14:30
Site Visit to South West Woods-Wood Fuels Processors 16:00
Thursday 25th April
Arrive Gatehouse; Mill on the Fleet 9:30
SEAP Presentation by Gatehouse Development Initiative, participants of
‘100% RES Communities’ 10:15
Technology workshop sessions and presentations
(Solar PV Roger Houston, Solway Solar Systems) 10.15
(Biomass John Gilliland, Mathers 11.30
Hydro- Chris Wood-Gee, DGC 13:30
Workshop and look around Mill on the Fleet and hydro potential 14:30
Visit to Cream of Galloway 15:30
Friday 26th April
Community and Council Session 9:20
Council Reception Councillor Ian Carruthers, Project Champion 9:30
Energy Efficiency in Scotland, The Big Picture Bob Baillie, Energy Agency 9:50
Supporting Communities in SEAP Development Angela Lamont 10:20
SEAP Presentations
Auchencairn Community Council 11:00
Glenkens/Langholm Initiative 11:25
Workshop Supporting Hungarian communities to develop their SEAP 11:50
Feedback and Q & A Session 12:10
Meet the Community Group and Councillors 12:30
Press Photo Call, Council Headquarters 13:30
Site visit to Barony College to look at district biomass system and 14:00
Visit to Dormont Passiv Haus Estate, Carrutherstown 15:30
Page last updated: 20/05/2022